Import API

The Badger Meter Data Exchange (BDE) import service is based on the Common Services API and processes various BEACON data files through a standard programming interface. Data Exchange is used to keep the BEACON hierarchy of accounts and services in sync with customer data by automating the data import process. Additionally, the import service provides support for entering meter reads into BEACON.


In compliance with Canadian cross-border data regulations, your utility data is or already has been moved to Canada. As a result, if you login to BEACON via you should adjust all of your API calls to address endpoints at

For example, change

This change affects all API endpoint calls for utilities that login to

API Overview

The Data Exchange Import API provides the following methods to support data exchange functionality.


Method Description
POST Create a new Badger Meter Data Exchange.
PUT Accept Dry Run of BEACON Data Exchange.


Method Description
GET Gets the import status of an existing BDE data file.


Method Description
GET Gets the report for a BDE that has successfully completed.


HTTP basic access authentication provides your applications with secure access to all data available to your account. Using your BEACON username and password, you can use your programming library’s base64 method to create an HTTP Authorization header. For an explanation of this procedure, see:

Badger Meter Data Exchange

POST /v1/bde/import

Create a new import type BDE by submitting a file for a particular type of processing. By default this will initiate a dry run of the data ingestion, which will need to be accepted by issuing the correct PUT method after the processing has completed.

File upload as described in RFC 2388.

Note: Files must be 70MB or less.

param required type description
data (error) CSV The CSV file to be processed.

POST BDE::Request

POST /v1/bde/import


# Use this cURL statement to create a new import type BDE
# by submitting a file for a particular type of processing.
# By default a dry run that scans the file for errors is 
# initiated. The import must be accepted by issuing the
# correct PUT method after processing is complete.
curl -uusername:password \ 
-F data=@filename.csv \

POST BDE::Response

    "bdeUUID": "12313",
    "statusUrl": "/v1/bde/import/12313"


Returns BDENew object.

202 Accepted – The BDE has been submitted successfully and the status can be followed at the statusUrl location.

  • location header points to statusUrl

POST /v1/bde/import?dryRun=false

Skip the dry run validation of a BDE.


param required data description
dryRun boolean false to disable, true to enable. Defaults to true if not provided.
data (error) CSV The CSV file to be processed.


POST BDE::Accept Import without Dry Run

POST /v1/bde/import?dryRun=false


# Use this cURL query to disable the dry run process
# and accept a file for import. The exceptions report will still 
#  be available in the Assets>System Sync page Activity List.
curl -v "" \
-F "data=@file_name.csv;type=text/csv" \

POST BDE::Response

"bdeUUID": "12313",
"statusUrl": "/v1/bde/import/12313"

PUT /v1/bde/import/{bdeUUID}

Accept the dry run of a BDE.


param required type description
bdeUUID (error) UUID The bdeType UUID to accept the dry run.


PUT BDE::Accept

PUT /v1/bde/import/12313


# Use this cURL statement to accept a BDE dry run.
curl -uusername:password \

POST BDE::Response

    "bdeUUID": "12313",
    "statusUrl": "/v1/bde/import/12313"

Returns BDENew object.

202 Accepted – The BDE has been submitted successfully and the status can be followed at the statusUrl location.

  • location header points to statusUrl

GET /v1/bde/import/{bdeUUID}

Get the status of an existing BDE.


param required type description
bdeUUID (error) UUID The bdeType UUID to get the BDE status.


GET BDE status::Request

GET /v1/bde/import/{bdeUUID}


# Use this cURL statement to get the status
# of an existing BDE file.
curl -uusername:password \ 
-F data=@filename.csv \

GET BDE status::Response::Queued

    "state": "queue",
    "dryRun": true,
    "message": "Provisioning Import operation queued for processing.",
    "queueTime": "2015-01-14T23:50:59Z"

GET BDE status::Response::Running

    "startTime": "2015-01-15T00:00:00Z",
    "dryRun": true,
    "state": "run",
    "progress": {
        "percentComplete": "12.0",
        "ETA": "2015-01-15T01:02:31Z",
        "message": "performing validation"
    "message": "Import operation running.",
    "queueTime": "2015-01-14T23:50:59Z"

GET BDE status::Response::Exception

    "startTime": "2015-01-15T00:00:00Z",
    "dryRun": true,
    "state": "exception",
    "endTime": "2015-01-15T01:02:30Z",
    "message": "Import operation had problems.",
    "queueTime": "2015-01-14T23:50:59Z"

GET BDE status::Response::Complete

    "startTime": "2015-01-15T00:00:00Z",
    "dryRun": true,
    "state": "done",
    "endTime": "2015-01-15T01:02:30Z",
    "message": "Import operation succeeded.",
    "queueTime": "2015-01-14T23:50:59Z",
    "reportUrl": "/v1/bde/import/12313/report"


Returns BDEStatus object.

GET /v1/bde/import/{bdeUUID}/report

Get report generated after the BDE has been processed.


param required type description
bdeUUID (error) UUID The bdeType UUID to get the report.


GET BDE report::Request

GET /v1/bde/import/12313/report


# Use this cURL statement to get the report that 
# was generated after the BDE has been processed.
curl -uusername:password \

GET BDE report::Response

    "dryRun": false,
    "ok": 104,
    "error": 23,
    "originalUrl": "/v1/content/import/12313/import.csv",
    "errorUrl": "/v1/content/import/12313/errors.json",
    "errorSheetUrl": "/v1/content/import/12313/errors.csv",


Returns BDEReport object.

HTTP Status Codes

Code Desc
200 OK Request accepted and there should be some content, assume the operation is complete.
202 Accepted Request accepted but processing is not complete. The location header will point to a URL that will show the progress or final result.
400 Bad Request Badly formatted request.
401 Unauthorized No Authorization header, or not authorized.
403 Forbidden User does not have permission.
404 Not Found Returned when passing a BDE UUID for lookup that doesn’t exist.
412 Precondition Failed When requesting a report that has not yet been generated.

API Codes

E-BDE-100 400 entity File not processed.
E-BDE-200 400 content-disposition Filename missing.
E-BDE-201 400 content-disposition Length of filename is too long, must be 255 characters at most.
E-BDE-300 409 file-structure At least one of the following headers is required in the file: Account_ID, Meter_ID, Location_ID.
E-BDE-400 409 file-structure File only contains headers – must contain at least one row of data to perform import.

Results that are paginated are returned in a pagination wrapper object, with the actual objects under a results property.

total int The total number in the set.
from int The first record number of the set in these results. Starting at 1
to int The last record number of the set in these results. Starting at 1
offset int Record offset.
limit int How many records to return.
results Object array An array of the result objects–see API for type of object.

Object created at the time of a new BDE.

bdeType enum Type of BDE {input, read}
bdeUUID uuid UUID of Typed BDE.
statusUrl url URL to check on status of BDE execution.


Object that returns information about a BDE.

bdeType enum Type of BDE {input, read}
bdeUUID uuid UUID of Typed BDE.
state enum Current state of a BDE {queue, run, exception, done}
dryRun boolean True or false depending on whether the bde was a dry run or not.
importOk int How many records were successfully validated or imported.
importError int How many records were not successfully validated or imported.

Upon completion the report available for a BDE.

originalUrl url URL to file that was uploaded.
okCount int Number of records processed successfully.
errorCount int Number of records processed erroneously.
errorUrl url URL to file with records that were processed erroneously.
errorSheetUrl url URL to CSV encoded file with records that were processed erroneously.
dryRun boolean True or false depending on whether import is a dry run.


Calls that return status of a BDE.

startTime date Date that processing began.
endTime date Date that processing stopped.
queueTime date Date of upload.
state enum Current state of a BDE {queue, run, exception, done}
message string Human readable message describing state.
progress Progress Current progress.
reportUrl URL On completion of processing–where to find more detailed information.
dryRun boolean true or false depending on whether the import is a dry run.


Object describing the current progress of on-going work.

percentComplete float Current progress.
ETA date Estimated date of completion.
message string Description of current work.
Last Update What Changed What You Need to Do
October 18, 2017 Removed GET /v1/bde/import CURL commands for displaying all previous and pending files. Removed high-level logic diagram. No action required.
February 11, 2016 New URL for accessing our API endpoints. Added API error codes. Update the URLs in your code per the documentation.
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